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J.S&S (or J.S.&S.B) metalware includes jugs (pitchers), tankards (ewers), crumb trays and brushes, crumb scoops, trays, salvers (chargers or plates), footed and handled trays of many varieties, tea caddies, chambersticks (candle holders), jardinieres (planters), watering cans, trivets, and ashtrays. JS&S pieces are English and appear to have been produced mainly in the early 1900's.

J.S&S and J.S.&S.B registered design documents show the company name as Joseph Sankey and Sons, Limited with an address of Albert Street Works, Bilston, Staffordshire.  The company was generally described as "Manufacturers" although an 1896 registration described it as "tin plate workers and japanners."

Check out this link to the History of J.S&S and metalware in Bilston at a site by the Wolverhampton History & Heritage Society.

JS&S is best known for its brass and copper pitchers or jugs.  There are at least eight different designs and six different sizes.  Some have handles attached to the lip and others have handles attached just below the lip.  Some have have tops with thumb catches and others have two-piece flip tops. Some have Registered Design numbers.  Most JS&S jugs will have a number on the bottom indicating the number of pints the jug holds (from 1 to 6).  Designs include Art Nouveau, hammered (Arts & Crafts style), pebble, lizard skin, Willow, Honeysuckle, a bubble pattern and a Daisy style (plain with one daisy).

The most popular jug design is an Art Nouveau style (with a clover at the top and six tulips below with the full design on two sides of the jug). The Art Nouveau style comes in at least six sizes (1, 1½, 2, 3, 4 and 6 pints; or 7", 8", 9", 10¼", 11", and 13½" high, respectively, when measured from the base to the top of the spout). An unusual 8 pint brass jug (14" high) has been found in the hammered style. The copper jugs are the more popular and are more expensive, even though the brass ones seem harder to find. The largest jugs (4 or 6 pints) will sometimes sell from $50/$100 and occasionally higher with the highest prices for the large art nouveau style copper jugs. Smaller and plainer styles will often sell for well under $100. The massive 6 pint size seems to be hard to find with only a few having been located by the author of this site.  And only two 8 pint size jugs (one copper and one brass) have been found on eBay over a several year period--the latest sold for $105 in September 2004.

At least four different tankard designs have been found.  Tankards have tops, spouts, and handles shaped like a 7.  The most ornate type of tankard (available in both copper and brass) has been found in a 4 pint size (cat. no. 1184) with some marked JS&SB and Registered Design No. 431345 (a 1904 or 1905 design).  This tankard is rarely found and is likely to sell for several hundred dollars.  What we describe here as tankards are shown as hot water jugs in the Joseph Sankey & Sons catalog. 

The Willow design jug has been seen in 1, 1½, 2, 4 and 6 (rare) pint sizes. It is almost always marked on the bottom with Registered Design No. 409942 which would date the design to 1904. The Honeysuckle design has been seen in 1, 1½ and 2 pint sizes.

Besides the Willow jug, the following JS&S items have also been found with Registered Design Numbers:  chamberstick, 282456 (August 28, 1896); jardiniere, 373793 (1902); trivet, 388047 (1902); tankard, 431345 (April 28, 1904); watering can, 437339 (July 21, 1904); crumb tray, 582261 (April 15, 1911); crumb tray, 582263 (April 15, 1911); watering can, 628977 (November 29, 1913) and chamberstick, 638626 (1914).

The J.S&S water cans (in brass or copper) are very collectable and are typically found in 3, 4, 5, and 6 pint sizes although there is even an unusual 20 pint size available.  The water cans have the same attractive designs that are found on the popular jugs plus a stylized poppies design. 

The best source for JS&S items is eBay. (On eBay, check out the antiques categories of brass and copper metalware. Most eBay sellers of such items are antique dealers from England and Australia although some items are occasionally offered by U.S. and Canadian sellers.

Three pages from a Joseph Sankey & Sons 1910 Catalog are now available at this site:  Page 101 (fire guards and umbrella stand), Page 112 (coal boxes and "Waterloo" coal scoops), and Page 113 (coal boxes). 

The Wolverhampton History & Heritage Society has added a second page of information on Joseph Sankey and Sons where they mention several identifying marks for J.S&S such as a Sphinx, a figure of Neptune and the letter S in a diamond in addition to the common J.S&S lettering.

Identifying Marks:

JS&S Logo-Brass Neptune

JS&S Coal Box (unmarked, honeysuckle design, catalog #1238):

JS&S Coal Box - Design JS&S Coal Box - Top JS&S Coal Box - Side JS&S Coal Box with Liner JS&S Coal Box - Top

JS&S Coal Box (unmarked, catalog #1370):

JS&S Fireplace Fender  (unmarked, stylized poppies design):

JS&S Fender - Front and Side JS&S Fender - Front JS&S Fender - Side

Copper Photo Frames (8" inches high), cat. no. 1341 (unmarked):

JS&S Photo Frames

Copper Bridge Pad, cat. no. 1364 (marked JS&SB)

Three Sizes (3, 4, 20 pints) of the Water Cans:

JS&S Watering Cans

Tankards (4 pints), cat. no. 1184:

(Registered Design No. 431345, JS&SB, Copper & Brass examples)

Five Sizes of the Art Nouveau Design of Hot Water Jugs:

Three Jug Designs (4 pints size):

(Hammered, Art Nouveau, Lizard Skin)

3 jug styles-JS&S

Two different Handle Styles:

2 style handles-JS&S

Honeysuckle Design:

(Copper and Brass examples, this design is also 
found on a watering can)

honeysuckle jugs-JS&S

Willow Design:

(Note the different style handles and thumb catches,
Marked with 1904 Registered Design No. 409942)

Jug with Fliptop Lid:


Tea Caddies:

tea caddies-JS&S


(Marked with 1896 Registered Design No. 282456)

Copper Watering Can:

(Marked with 1914 Registered Design No. 628977,
the same No. is also found on a brass watering
can with the honeysuckle design.  The registered
design number appears to have been incorrectly
placed on the pictured watering can.)

This page was last updated on September 21, 2004.

© 1999-2004, Gregory Kolojeski. All Rights Reserved.